Winter´s End

Sunrise over Green Lake, County Cavan, Ireland, by Andrea Connolly



There are subtle signs of winter breathing his last breath for this cycle. Some go by calendar, by moon, by folklore or by the lengthening of days.

Some say winter is coming in any season.

Antarctica is covered in ice and snow never to loose most of its cap.

The globe is frost in relations, fire in war. World leaders struggle in winter minds of eternal frost and one might think spring will never be the same again. Human minds will never be just lead by words. Appearances and guises of the mind lead to believe. Truth is true or twisted. Alternative was once organic. Now it is fiction. Will we ever shed our winter minds to admire snow drops, blue bells and daffodils again? It seems naïve to even wish such a thing. And yet, nature helps us cope with changes. It gives us hope to find other human beings believing in the future. Beyond all human machinations there is another world awaiting where love is not just a word. We live in a vast galaxy hoping to be somehow held by divine intervention .

Lets  hope together for winter´s end!

8th February 22017 ©By Andrea Connolly



Author: andreacconnolly

I am on the bark to NEVEREND

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